The story revolves around a little girl named Mary. At the age of 10, her parents die and she is sent to her uncle to take care of her. Mary is a naughty, stubborn girl. Because she did not have the love and care of anyone. Later she finds special things in her uncle's house, and the most special thing she finds is the closed secret garden. She finds the secret park with the help of a bird named Robin. Later she gets used to spending more time in the park. Meanwhile, she meets a boy named Deacon, who they are good friends with, and tells Mary Deacon about the secret garden. The two of them look at the garden and plant flowers on it again and take a good look. Meanwhile, Mary also meets Mary's uncle's son, Colin. The film depicts the actions and events of all three. This is an extremely interesting and beautiful film. 💓💓
This logo I made for Print making department activity. I created this for the corona epidemic. Corona lost thousands of lives. The reason is the lack of proper medication. But with the advancement of medicine, the proper treatment was discovered. Many people seek treatment but some resort to this treatment. This is why I wanted to create this logo. By this I mean, "I got the vaccine, you get it too" "I'm safe, you're safe too." "Like me, you. Like you, and others. For this whole world, and for the future, we get the vaccine." May the corona epidemic be gone and may all live happily ever after... 😷😷😷